Tuesday, April 24, 2007

How to Make Good Profile

Here some important information to create good profile. One cannot take too much effort in preparing a profile. It is something that should be viewed in all seriousness. Please do not treat the subject lightly. Imagine that you are preparing for a job; won’t you spend a lot of time getting your resume ready?

Well, most of us take up jobs for how long, four or five years? And how about a relationship, definitely we do not embark on a relationship with the expectation that it would last for just a couple of years.

We have to understand that a relationship is really worth much more than a job, because it is probably the most important decision in your life. So now let us discuss ways in which you can spruce up your profile.

The first thing that you should do is take out a pencil and paper and write down the raw details about yourself. By raw details we are referring to things like your age, your height, your weight, etc ....

This is the skeleton of which we are going to work on. And when we have added enough flesh and blood to this back bone, even you will be impressed by your profile!

Be honest

While you might take some care to conceal your identity it is best not to lie.

Do not try to bluff your way through a relationship because at some time the whole thing might come out and as we all know, one lie leads to another and then before you know it the whole relationship will crash. Be as honest and as frank as you can, taking care to conceal your identity.

Of course you do not have to tell the person every ghastly, gory detail about yourself, but at the same time you do not have to conjure up stuff about you that is just not true. If at all you do paint a very rosy picture about yourself, including things that are far fetched exaggerations, and the other person does flip for you, in reality you will be basking in another person’s glory. This picture you have painted is just not you.

Your alter ego

When you choose a handle to identify yourself by, you have to be sharp. Do not try to attract as many partners as possible. After all, what are we looking for, quality or quantity? Try to attract only the kind of people you are interested in and who would find you interesting.

That is why we suggested that you use a handle that better defines the kind of person you are. Do not try to sound like a sex god or a sex goddess. If you are, let the other person decide for him self or her self; (it is much better than having the person come up with statements like "is it in yet?") So steer clear of handles like Megastud, Handsomehunk, Superbabe or Bedlover.

Instead of that you could try handles that gives one an immediate idea about the kind of person you are. If you are an outdoor person use something like Natureguy or Naturegirl; if you are a music freak use something like Musicman or Musicmaid. If you are into theatre and stuff like that you could choose a name like Theatreguy or Theatregirl.

The point is to win over people who are interested in the same stuff as you are. That of course increases your chances of gelling with the person.

Brevity is the key

Another crucial thing about writing your profile is that you should keep it as brief as possible. Nobody wants to read through lines and lines of another person’s profile. If you make it too long winded, the person who is reading it will get the idea that you are the kind of person who would love to keep on talking about yourself and instead of going on a date with you.

But that doesn’t mean that you have to limit the whole thing to just a few words. A too brief profile would sound as if you do not have time for all this, but you are just doing it for the heck of it.

The best style that you could use would be to be 100% natural. Write your profile as you would describe yourself to a person directly. The conversation style has the widest appeal I might add. Make it simple and stay away from big words and hackneyed expressions.

You are unique

Think about it for a minute. Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you look like anyone else that you know? We all look so different though essentially we have been endowed with the same external characteristics, which are one nose, one mouth, two eyes and two ears.

So inspite of having the same building blocks, if we can look so different why do we have to sound alike? Think about yourself in a different way. Do not just consider your likes and dislikes when you are writing your profile, consider your endearing qualities as well.

Endearing qualities are those qualities which make you liked by others. Of course, these are things that we never bother about, but maybe we should. So what I´d suggest would be to ask your best friends why they like you. Who knows, their answers just might surprise you! But at least you will get an idea of what you can include in your profile.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Some Dating tips about what you need to do

Dating first time with your date - Some Dating tips about what you need to do

Meeting your date first time gives a range of emotional feeling in your mind which will be soo thrilling and also terrifying. Dating with a singles for the first time will make a lot of chemistry changes in our body. At this article we give a dating articles in how to tips what will help your first meeting with your date go smoothly:

1) Be on time!

Timeliness is first tip in making your dating experience to go smoothly. Timeliness is expected by other singles with whom you date that day. Being late or too early will create a bad impression on you in their mind. Not always we can be ontime but sometimes it goes out of our control. How to avoid such situation with your first date. Communicate them. In our friendship, we have said that communication is a key for sucessful friendship. That point applies to dating also. Call them before the expected arrival time and tell them about your delay in meeting them. this gives good impression on you that you are serious in the date.

2) Personal Checks!

This is a tip mainly for men who is going for the date. Before going to meet your date / friend check yourself first. Below is the list that you need to check on you before meeting your date

  • Fingernails are clean or not
  • Hair style and neat
  • check your cloths are properly ironed
  • shoes polished
  • Any odors are under control.

Girls who are into dating withyou checks these things because this creates the first impression on you. Your physical impression is more essential than your mental impression in your first date.

3) Appearence

As said for men there is a tip for women too. That is appearence. Guys may not look at your hair style or clothing style but they will see your appearence. If your look is not pleasing your first may be your last date with him. So how to check your appearence. have a simple makeup which must not be done overly.Mild perfume will help you in attracting his attention on you. Be simple on your first date.

4) Don't go to crowded places

Why are we going for date with another single. What if your date got attracted on other things than you. Dating is about to get to know each other better and to talk and understand about your date. First time dating is meant for knowing each others. When you go to movies or theatre s/he may got attracted on others than you which may spoil your dating experience. In a crowded place there is a chance that you can't get to know each other well.

5) No over communication in first date

To know more about your date you need to ask some questions but be sure that you are asking the questions which you want to ask. Overly asked questions and answers will make other personal to loose interest in having further dates with you. So keep it simple and smooth. Moreover dating is more than a interview. Don't talk yourself always, Give a chance to your date also.

6) Keep surpraises about you

Want to talk more with other date. Give some surpraises. Don't allow your date to get to know all about you in first time itself. This makes your date to loose interest. Keep secrets about you but give a hint about it. Create interest on you by secrets so that you get their attention not only in the first date but for further dates too. Guys tend to check more about girls life and girls love to know about secrets and try to ucover them.

7) Keep something common with your date.

Before going to first time dating, you be know eachother through online dating/ friendship sites. with the help of those you may know a little about your date. so have something in common which creates interest for talking. Best method to have interesting topics will be from magazines, newspapers. read them to get some common topics which creates way to know more about your date. Always try to find common things that both can share.

8) Never argue with your date

Always keep an open mind especially with your date. if you always argue with everything in first dating it creates bad impression and interest. Saying so is not saying yes to everything that your date says but give places where you differ, alternate ideas. if you don't know something ask them.

9) Never get excited with first date.

One importent tip for the first time dateing friends. it is never get nervous/ excited. You may get excited but don't show them to your date. Calm, confident looks is very appealing than a nervous, excited look

10) Have lot's of fun with your date

Have fun with your date. For that only we are dating with others.

Above are some tips which are said, there is a lot of dating tips which helps you in your dating. Dating tips may help for some and not for some. Tips which are said are of general members in mind. sucessful dating experience depends on the situation not with any other things. So use these free dating tips with care

Friday, April 20, 2007

Happiness From Your Partner

This is the opinion about happiness.Happiness is the primary need of all of us. All of us want to be happy and avoid pain. The beginning of any relationship also depends upon how happy we are with each other. But we also derive happiness from what we achieve on our own. An engineer is very happy when designs something very well. So is a housewife if she manages to cook something that is loved by every family member. This way people get happiness in many ways. What if we begin depending on our partner to make us happy? Is that possible?

'If you buy me good presents, I feel happy. If you take care of my emotional needs, I am happy. If you show that you love me, I am happy and so on. My happiness essentially depends on how you make me happy. It is your duty to do that. If you are not making me happy, you are erring. You are breaking the relationship. You are running away from your responsibility.' What if somebody takes this attitude?

Such an attitude will surely make your partner very unhappy and will kill the relationship. Happiness is a two way street. Make him/her happy and give him/her a chance to make you happy. Let both of you show care for each other.

Wants to Success in dating! Here The tips

Many people wants to find good relationship, but they don't understand how can be?
Generally the most important step when dating someone is the anticipation moment which refers to your own decisions and also the prepairing for dating someone. And as the most important aspects are also the most difficult ones, people generally leave them aside or neglect them and this always proves to be harmful for a relationship. This is the exact purpose of this article: to make people understand the importance of this first prepairing for dating and to propose some ways to turn it into something unbelievable:

1) The right state of mind

Turning to optimism can have a decisive effect for meeting your soulmate.A self-assured person, a confident one generally attracts many persons as these are qualities saught by everybody.Shyness and pesimism give the impression of a troubled person who is not willing to meet someone not to mention dating that person. That is why you should always give the sensation of a person who is eager to live new experiences.

2) Beware of your priorities

You should always be sure of what you want: just dating or meet your soulmate?This awareness or clarity in your thoughts preserves an equilibrium between hope and fear. Decide what you most want from a long term relionship: look over the ones who are not to be changed and the ones which can be compromised.

3) Always preserve your values

Become aware of your values which cannot be changed by any means. If you will try to forget about them for the sake of the person you are dating, you wll encounter lots of problems as you can't escape your personality and thoughts for a relationship.Then see if the relationship can respect these values or not.

4) That's me, alright!

What is it that you want? What are your needs? What makes you happy?
what are your ideals and purposes in life?What are your strong and week points?What are your fears? You should always be very specific about your options and needs so that you can get help from the persons who love you.Being specific and showing exactly what you want can become like a magnet for possible'candidates' not only because of your tastes but also because of your preciseness.

5) Being a little selfish can be a

wonderful thing!

Do what you want and what makes you happy.This means taking care of yourself and paying a lot of attention to your person. If you are happy you are prone to make the others happy too.

6) Don't say no to your friends!

Don't refuse help from your friends but first make sure that they are real friends, not the type who would stab you behind your back. You could recognize your true friends by their opinions which might not always be similar to your's but are intended to help you. Knowing thet you have reliable friends can help you a lot with your attitude.

7)The outside mirror technique

Others can become your outside mirror. You can see many reflection according to your state of mind and not only...You can become aware of your flaws and acknowledge your qualities.You can also observe if you are capable of making people laugh or happy and in this, you can find other qualities.Awareness enables choice.

8) Forget about the past!

Forget about your past and especially your past relationships as they can do harm to your present relationship. Sometimes memories should be forgotten as they can ensnare people.Nothing can be changed from your past so there is no time for regrets or 'what if's'.It is always beneficial to start over.

9) Everything is so fascinating about you!

It is natural that you always remember about the life you had before dating> Maybe this is what attracted the person you are dating: your relationship with your friends, your commitment and passions.Don't try to change or forgetabout your old habbits. They characterise you and what makes you fascinating.

10) So this is it!

It is claimed that relationships are what shapes our personality: all kind of relationships and experience as well.

These are basically the patterns by which we can gain a wonderfull relationship. I am sure that everybody knows them but they have to be highlined sometimes.It is the only recipe for success in a relationship. Be youself and know that!