Generally the most important step when dating someone is the anticipation moment which refers to your own decisions and also the prepairing for dating someone. And as the most important aspects are also the most difficult ones, people generally leave them aside or neglect them and this always proves to be harmful for a relationship. This is the exact purpose of this article: to make people understand the importance of this first prepairing for dating and to propose some ways to turn it into something unbelievable:
1) The right state of mind
Turning to optimism can have a decisive effect for meeting your soulmate.A self-assured person, a confident one generally attracts many persons as these are qualities saught by everybody.Shyness and pesimism give the impression of a troubled person who is not willing to meet someone not to mention dating that person. That is why you should always give the sensation of a person who is eager to live new experiences.
2) Beware of your priorities
You should always be sure of what you want: just dating or meet your soulmate?This awareness or clarity in your thoughts preserves an equilibrium between hope and fear. Decide what you most want from a long term relionship: look over the ones who are not to be changed and the ones which can be compromised.
3) Always preserve your values
Become aware of your values which cannot be changed by any means. If you will try to forget about them for the sake of the person you are dating, you wll encounter lots of problems as you can't escape your personality and thoughts for a relationship.Then see if the relationship can respect these values or not.
4) That's me, alright!
What is it that you want? What are your needs? What makes you happy?
what are your ideals and purposes in life?What are your strong and week points?What are your fears? You should always be very specific about your options and needs so that you can get help from the persons who love you.Being specific and showing exactly what you want can become like a magnet for possible'candidates' not only because of your tastes but also because of your preciseness.
5) Being a little selfish can be a
wonderful thing!
Do what you want and what makes you happy.This means taking care of yourself and paying a lot of attention to your person. If you are happy you are prone to make the others happy too.
6) Don't say no to your friends!
Don't refuse help from your friends but first make sure that they are real friends, not the type who would stab you behind your back. You could recognize your true friends by their opinions which might not always be similar to your's but are intended to help you. Knowing thet you have reliable friends can help you a lot with your attitude.
7)The outside mirror technique
Others can become your outside mirror. You can see many reflection according to your state of mind and not only...You can become aware of your flaws and acknowledge your qualities.You can also observe if you are capable of making people laugh or happy and in this, you can find other qualities.Awareness enables choice.
8) Forget about the past!
Forget about your past and especially your past relationships as they can do harm to your present relationship. Sometimes memories should be forgotten as they can ensnare people.Nothing can be changed from your past so there is no time for regrets or 'what if's'.It is always beneficial to start over.
9) Everything is so fascinating about you!
It is natural that you always remember about the life you had before dating> Maybe this is what attracted the person you are dating: your relationship with your friends, your commitment and passions.Don't try to change or forgetabout your old habbits. They characterise you and what makes you fascinating.
10) So this is it!
It is claimed that relationships are what shapes our personality: all kind of relationships and experience as well.
These are basically the patterns by which we can gain a wonderfull relationship. I am sure that everybody knows them but they have to be highlined sometimes.It is the only recipe for success in a relationship. Be youself and know that!
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